Photo Blogging - Best of Guatemala Part 2
We leave for Honduras at 3am this morning and here I sit killing some time. Lets continue with part 2 of my favorite photostaken in Guatemala....
Church ruins in Antigua

Guatemalan ladies selling goods and flowers on the church steps in Chichicastenango (Chichi)

Some of the many colorful crafts on sale on market day in Chichicastenango.

Guatemalan women working on crafts on Marjet day in Chichi.

A Mayan funeral in Chichi

The cemetary at Chichicastenango.

Here we are taking a water taxi to San Pedro on the beautiful Lake Atitlan (Volcano in background)

This is our Hotel room on the lake. Costs us about $6.00 a night to have this amazing view of the lake right out our door. That is my beautiful wife in the doorway there :-)

One more of the lake just for fun.
Thats me making friends with some kids as we often do. Digital cameras are like magic to them. A good way to bring a smile to any mounatin village kid.

Thats all folks! The next batch will be from Honduras....