We sure have been busy! Today is our 6th day in Guatemala and we have had some amazing times in this beautiful country. The prices are low, the culture is amazing, and the temperature is finally bearable.
We arrived in a small town called El Remate which was about a half an hour from Tikal. We woke at 5.30 am, a challenge for us to be sure, and headed into Tikal.

We wanted to get there early to see some of the amazing wild life that is abundant early in the day. We saw families of monkeys high above the ancient ruins swinging from tree to tree and carrying babies. It was an amazing sight and we had the area mostly to ourselves. All together we spent over 10 hours exploring Tikal. We managed to see just about everything there was to see. The ruins were beautiful. Some of them were excavated while others were covered in jungle with trees, plants and roots coming up and out of the stone structures.

Amie and I took some amazing pictures there. The combination of ruins and jungle was such a sight to behold. Some of the pyramids were very tall and you could climb them and get a fantastic view from the top. You could see the tops of other various pyramids and temples poking up through the jungle canopy.

Both Amie and I were intrigued by the ruins that were unexcavated and had the jungle taking them over. The power of nature has been very present on this trip.
It was a very long day and by the end of it we were spent. But the next day was no less exciting. The next day we planned to do a canopy tour. Part Tarzan and part Indiana Jones. It seems Guatemala has a lot to offer us and we are soaking it all in....

The next day, after some rest, we headed off to check out the canopy tour. In Tikal we saw monkeys swinging from tree to tree and we decided we wanted to play monkey. They put a harness on you and you climb up into the tree tops. They hook you onto a zip line and teach you how to zip from platform to platform. You use thick leather gloves to slow your decent down before you reach the next platform.
It was like a roller coaster, only better, and it all takes place high above the ground within the jungle canopy. It was seriously a lot of fun, and Amie and I were whooping it up high in the air, zipping from platform to platform and literally flying through the jungle. It was amazing and we are sure to try this again. It was a fantastic combination of beauty and exhilaration all in one.

Now we are in the Guatemalan highlands in a town perched in the mountains called Coban. We have several day trips we are going to do from here. Some rivers to see, some caves, lots of exploring. Computers are a bit less frequent here, but I will post more as soon as I can.
We miss you all! Feel free to drop us an Email!